Monday, January 26, 2009

Disney- Thursday

The weather was much nicer today- as you can tell by Rich's shorts.  Still cold in the morning and at night, but nice during the day with the sun out.   
This is an airplane roller coaster in Toonland that Tyler loves to ride.  He comes running down the ramp ready to go again!  For us, that is the best part about going to Disney- seeing his face just light up and him getting so excited.  

Jackson can go on most of the rides that Tyler is able to go on right now- except the airplane.  So he just hangs out with one of us and waits.
In Tomorrowland, they have a little tram/ train that goes along the 2nd floor of some of the buildings.  Tyler wanted to go on it over and over.  He has these rides memorized- it is funny to hear him talk about what is coming up next.
Jack liked to ride the train also. 
This the the Buzz Lightyear ride from Toy Story.  This was the first time we rode this ride, and we rode it over, and over, and over...  It is interactive so Tyler could shoot the laser gun and turn the car around in circles.  I am glad that he wanted to ride with Rich on this one!  Jackson couldn't reach the trigger on the laser gun, but he could reach the joystick used to turn the car around, so he liked that.  And he liked all the flashing lights.

Buzz Lightyear was the only character that Tyler has been willing to go up to.  I think he just wanted to push the buttons that he had on his costume.  Can you guess what his new favorite movie is now?
We had to run back to the hotel room so that Rich could put some jeans and a sweater on so we could go back to the park for more rides and fireworks!  You can see by our outfits that it got really cold again.  It was so cold that Tyler actually asked to put his hat on- and he hates wearing a hat!
On the train/ tram again.

This is the ride that I now dislike more than the Tea Cups.  It is on the 2nd story of one of the buildings and just goes around and around really fast.  The view was great, but I do not think I will be going on this one with Tyler again anytime soon.
And at last, the fireworks.  Tyler is showing the fireworks to Jack.  He would take him by the hand and say "look JackJack- see the fireworks?" and then point them out to him.  It was really cute.  He is such a good brother.

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