Part of the joy of coming home is unpacking. Tyler and Jackson decided that they wanted to go back to Mickey's house, so he packed himself in the suitcase. I warned him to be careful- I might ship him off to Papa and Gigi's.

Jackson has started to cruise around and stand really well. He is into his little walk behind toy. We just have to watch him on the tile floor- that toy will just shoot out from under him if he pushes too hard!

How big is Jackson?
Jackson is getting soooo big! He looks like a little boy. I can't believe he is going to be 1 soon!
The headshot of Jackson is fabulous. You should blow it up and frame it. I've just done 4 that I've taken of Clara. Got the idea from this post: http://www.dooce.com/daily-style/2009/01/12/ribba-frame
The frames for 8x10 prints are only $13 at ikea!!
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