Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Potty break

Tyler has been working on potty training the past few weeks.  But he loves to go peepee in the grass and on trees.  So I had to get a picture.  He is going to hate me when he gets older!!!
Jackson loves the little sofa that we have for the boys.  He folds it out and it is his little space.  He carries his toys over to it and sits there and plays.  It is really cute to watch him.
Tyler likes to "read" to Jack.  He will tell him and show him what is going on in the pictures.
This is Jack waiting for his water. 

1 comment:

Nicole Manier said...

Oh my gosh! I literally spit the water I was drinking everywhere when I saw the potty training picture. That is hysterical. Now if you can only get the little dance that Rich taught Tyler on here then he will really hate you as a teenager! Nice mommy :)